

Job Opportunities Forms Policies Regs and Pubs

Supervisor's Toolbox - Employee's Toolbox

HRO Contacts

Welcome to the Military Division, Equal Employee Opportunity Web Page.  We are pleased to offer a resource that will provide our customers with a convenient method to obtain information regarding various Human Resource matters.

No Fear Act Quarterly Data No Fear Act Annual Data
EEO Policy Letters

EEO Counselors

Alternative Dispute Resolution Program EEO/EO Regs & Forms
  Military Complaint Process
No Fear Training No Fear Notice
No Fear Data Accessibility/Section 508

Sexual Harrassment/ Equal Opportunity Hotline: (208) 272-4223

‘The Idaho National Guard Equal Employment Opportunity program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and potential in support of readiness. There is ‘Zero’ tolerance for unlawful discrimination. All Idaho Military Division employees and applicants for employment will receive fair and equitable treatment in applicable personnel actions. ’


For questions regarding the HRO web site, please contact the webmaster.
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For area specific information please click below
(Recruitment & Hiring)
(Positions and Manpower)
Employee Relations
(Retirement, Benefits & Awards)
(Training & Job Skill Development)
Labor Relations
(Union Issues | Grievances)
Equal Employment Opportunity
(Technician Assistance Pgm |POSH)
Air AGR Section
(Active Guard Reserve Issues)
Army AGR Section
(Active Guard Reserve Issues)
State Employee Section
(State Employment & Benefits)